(English edition) How to start Affiliate Marketing

Choosing the Right Affiliate Marketing Clientele| Informatics Inc.

Are you looking to start affiliate marketing? Well today is you lucky day because am going to teach you how to start Affiliate marketing. Before I start teaching you, you have to have this 4 things on mind, People, Place, Product and bridge OK let's start.

Step 1. People
       You have to find people to sell and you might be asking were i find people? well very easy most of us, use social media you have run ads but we will talk about that later.
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Step 2. Place 
    What I mean about a place is a store that have AM (Affiliate marketing) like Amazon AffiliateDigistore24, or clickbank. This platforms will pay you a part of the product that you sell, maybe 10% to 70% varies on different platforms.
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Step 3. Product 
     Now that you have you  place like clickbank you will find a product but for me this is part is the most difficult because you just not going to pick product and start running ADS. You have to find a product that you  might buy it you self. So first you have to find a problem that many people have in common for example lose weight many people want to lose weight.

Step 4. Bridge
Know that you have people to sell a place and a product...

You have to create a bridge, you are wondering why a bridge  has to do with all this, well let me explain by saying that you are between two very large mountains and you need something to cross that mountain, what would you do? What I would do is create a bridge so that we can pass to the other side the same is  with your product you have to make a bridge so that people can cross and buy your product. And how do we make the bridge? Good question, the bridge is a page. Where I can create that page well click funnels it platforms e page. Click Funnels  does't make website click funnels makes bridged (Page).

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 Now that you have page  you have to provide them with something or similar value to your product, for example you are selling a keto recipe book, you have to make them feel comfortable with what you are giving them And how do you make them feel comfortable? As I told you, you have to contribute to the free for example, "Here are 5 free keto recipes" and then you write the 5 recipes   and at the end if they want to know more you put a word ( You want to know more) with a link that leads them to your product and if they really want to know more about keto recipes they will automatically do their part and buy your product.

Well now that you have people, place, product and a bridge. we are going back to the Step 1 remember when I told you, you have to run ads in social media  well  let me explain why you have to run ads in social media. You have to run ADS in social media because more people can see you product and maybe they will be interested in you product. You may be asking witch social media is best to run ads For me is Facebook and YouTube.

Here is a video that will teach you have to make an ad in Facebook.

Well now that you have ads running you just need to wait for you money some time it take moth and some times take days tank you for reading this mine blog.

 If you want to learn more from a professional he make 6 figures a moth with Affiliate Marketing click the link down  below  for a free training.
